1. First of all, check whether your activity is not in our prohibited business list and if your business is registered in our supported country.
2. Register with Cardinity by filling in an application form. Your application will be processed and within 48 hours we will contact you to discuss your merchant account details.
3. Your website will be reviewed to check if it meets particular requirements. We will examine the information provided in your online shop, your goods and services, pricing, all the terms and conditions, and security measures. Follow this link to learn more about website requirements. We will also ask you to submit some relevant documents about you and your business.
4. After your merchant account is set up and your e-shop is integrated with Cardinity, you can start selling.
Here you can find additional resources that may help you in the process and tell you more about payment processing.
If you haven't found answers to your questions here or need any further assistance, don't hesitate to contact us.