We cannot accept businesses which sell illegal products or are involved in any illegal activity. This applies for:
Some businesses are legal only when complying with some specific laws or rules. They either should have special licences or age verification. It can be difficult to check this online, so they are also prohibited:
Some merchants are too troublesome to work with because of very high dispute and chargeback rates. Sometimes customers need to wait too long for a service/product to be delivered. In some other cases, a product/service could not be delivered at all due to unforeseen circumstances. Considerable customer dissatisfaction makes such businesses prohibited:
Some industries are more liable to fraud than others. That is why financial institutions are not allowed to accept the following companies to prevent any criminal activity and money laundering:
If you are not sure whether your business falls into the Prohibited Business category, feel free to contact us. Our team of devoted risk analysts will take every aspect of your specific company into consideration in order to make the right decision.
Information updated: 2021.07.16
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