3D Secure refers to 3 Domain Secure. In brief, it is an extra method of authentication for online credit card transactions. It also provides protection from fraudulent card use for the seller and his acquiring bank, the cardholder and his card issuing bank, and Card Association’s networks (Visa, MasterCard).
After a customer clicks the payment button, the 3D Secure window asks your customer to authenticate himself/herself and confirm the card payment. This window is normally marked with MasterCard SecureCode or Verified by Visa logos. There your buyer needs to enter a personal password (or security code) which is verified by his/her card issuer.
Cardinity provides 3D Secure protection absolutely FREE of charge, and you do not need to worry about activating it in your online store. You can apply for Cardinity payment services and enjoy selling securely online.
Sign up today to start accepting secure credit and debit card payments in your online shop.