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Response codes

In most cases transactions are authorized successfully, but it might happen that a transaction cannot be authorized, and the customer’s card is declined by the issuing bank or the payment processor. In this case you will receive a specific error code for a transaction with a particular customer. Sometimes this code seems to be ambiguous and requires more explanation.

Error code Name Explanation
3000 Rejected by issuer The cardholder’s bank declined the payment for an unspecified reason. The customer should contact the bank and ask for the transaction to go through. Learn more.
3001 Insufficient funds The customer did not have sufficient funds in his bank account to pay for the order.
3002 Do not honor The cardholder’s bank declined the payment for an unspecified reason. The customer should contact the bank and ask for the transaction to go through. Learn more.
3003 Exceeds withdrawal frequency limit The transaction exceeds the withdrawal frequency limit of the customer’s bank account. The customer should contact the bank to change the frequency limit.
3004 Transaction not permitted to cardholder The customer’s bank does not permit the cardholder to pay for a particular product with his/her card. The customer should contact the bank for more information about the decline.
3005 Exceeds withdrawal amount limit The transaction exceeds the withdrawal limit of the customer’s bank account. The customer should contact the bank to change the amount limit.
3006 Invalid Card Number There are several reasons why this might happen: typographical error, expired card, stolen or lost card, account closed. Cardholder should contact an issuer for more information.
3007 Restricted card (ATM only) The card is limited to ATM transactions only and cannot be used for other types of transactions, such as point-of-sale purchases or online transactions.
3008 Restricted card The card issuing bank or the cardholder has placed some restrictions on the card. It is possible that the card is not accepted online. The cardholder should contact the bank for more information.
3009 Suspected fraud This error code requires special attention. The customer’s issuing bank declined the transaction because somehow fraud activity indications were faced.
3010 Do not retry The transaction has been declined, and the issuer recommends against attempting the transaction again. This response is typically given when the issuer has identified an issue that is likely to persist or is not conducive to repeated attempts. The common reasons for a decline: suspected fraud, account status, exceeding limits, technical issues. 
3011 Processing error This typically indicates that there was an issue during the processing of the transaction on the issuer's side. This type of decline suggests that the issuer's systems encountered an error or glitch that prevented them from completing the authorization or approval of the transaction. It is advisable to the cardholder to contact the issuer. 
3012 Account closed The bank or financial institution has closed the account associated with the provided credit or debit card. The cardholder will need to inquire about the specific reason for the account closure.
3013 Invalid CVV It indicates that the Card Verification Value (CVV) provided during a transaction does not match the CVV on record for the credit or debit card. Common reasons for the error: expired card, unauthorized use, account compromise.
3014 SCA Required Card issuer requires strong customer authentication (3D Secure). 
3015 Blocked, first used. The transaction is from a new cardholder, and the card has not been properly unblocked The transaction is being declined because the card being used belongs to a new cardholder, and there may be a block or restriction on the card that hasn't been lifted. A customer should contact their card issuer for assistance. 
3016 Expired card The customer’s card has already expired. 
3017 Cannot authorise at this time (Policy) The card issuer is unable to authorize the transaction due to specific policy-related reasons (security policies, transaction amount/frequency limits, MCC, etc.)
3018 Negative CAM, dCVV, iCVV, or CVV results A potential security concern or incorrect information provided during the transaction. It's a security measure to protect against fraudulent activities and unauthorized card usage. 
3019 Stolen card Indicates that the payment card being used for the transaction has been reported as stolen or lost. Cardholder should contact the issuer for assistance. 
3020 Pickup card While the traditional "Pickup card" decline is related to physical cards, in an online context, it may signify that the card issuer has detected suspicious activities, unauthorized usage, or security concerns associated with the online transaction.
3021 Suspecting manipulation The card issuer has identified potential manipulative or fraudulent behavior associated with the online transaction.
3022 Transaction declined (account blocked) The card issuer has placed a block on the account associated with the payment card, resulting in the decline of the online transaction.
3023 Wrong expiry date The expiration date entered during the transaction does not match the information on record for the payment card.
3024 Partial refund is not allowed Merchant should try to refund again later. 
3025 Recurring not allowed Merchant should contact techsupport team. 
3026 Cannot authorise at this time (Life cycle) The card issuer is currently unable to authorize the transaction due to reasons related to the card's life cycle. The "life cycle" of a payment card refers to various stages from issuance to expiration, and issues related to this life cycle can impact the authorization process.
33333 3D Secure authorization failed The customer did not finish the 3D Secure authorization, did not enter a special security code, entered an invalid security code, or closed the authorization window too early.
9999 Acquirer error The acquirer experienced an unspecified error. The customer should try again later.

Frequently Asked Questions

Useful Resources

Here you can find additional resources that may help you in the process and tell you more about payment processing.

  • In our support system, you will find answers to the most popular as well as some specific questions.
  • In order to start accepting card payments, you need to follow some requirements.
  • Certain business types are not allowed to process card payments. Check them out.
  • Follow our blog to get to know more about Cardinity, e-commerce and online payments.

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